Monday, 28 November 2016


I know you are all dying to know how the curing of my salmon turned out. Splendid is the answer. As you can see from the pics, it turned out a treat and so much better than the packs of smoked salmon you can buy and full of flavour. The beetroot adds so much colour and will look very festive when I do this again for Christmas. Marathon nutritionist Carina Norris would be so proud of me.

ok,ok here's another picture
Good news. I'm back on the road again. Gill and I have been out for a few runs over the last few days.  My left calf is feeling a bit better. I wouldn't say brilliant but I'm getting through ok and still doing the exercises my physio told me to do.  The foam roller really helps. It has been pretty cold this week too so it has also been the start of the wooly hat season.

wooly hat season
Who needs ice baths when you have the Arcadia Bathing Club? Every Sunday at 10.30am a group of hardy souls gather to take a plunge in Portrush. We were back up on Sunday to complete our November swim. NO wetsuits with this crew. Sea temperature on Sunday was a cool 11.7 degrees C. Hopefully the baltic sea temperatures will help my aching muscles over the winter.

ice, ice baby
On Saturday, Ella completed her second AQE test so as a wee treat we headed to Bubbacue for lunch*. It's a meat fest. Slow smoked beef brisket and pulled pork are the flavours of the day. Katie doesn't complain too much even though it's Meat Central. 

train like an athlete, eat like an athlete

*sorry Carina Norris!